Don’t Over Extend your NEW Business or Yourself

When you start your own business it is a big undertaking. There is so much to do and take care of it can be overwhelming.  One mistake that I made when I first started out was trying to offer too many services at the same time.
I am a very enthusiastic person, with a can-do attitude.  Sure I can do that, if only there were 48 hours in a day! Yes, I can do it, but not all at once while going in 20 different directions.

When I first decided to add web design to the services that my company was offering, I also wanted to start adding in the other services that I had available such as new business development, coaching, resources for business owners, it all became too much and too unfocused. I realized that this was a whole separate business that should be separated from the marketing firm but could still complement it just the same.

As you learn and progress through starting your own business it will change and morph from the vision you had originally as you get more focused on what it is your company/brand sells.

I took a good look and realized at this time I DON’T need to offer every single service. Offer what you know and what you are good at. You can always add services as your company grows. Concentrate on one core set of services that you will offer. It will make it less daunting. When you offer too much at one time, it gets overwhelming and your level of service will suffer. Then you start to wonder about the identity of your business and if it is still focused. How will I advertise and market my business? If I have too many services it can get cluttered.

So keep it simple and start with the niche that you have picked for your new business. You can always add on in the future!

Here’s to Your Health, Happiness and Personal Success

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